#aws #nacl #sg #security_group #network https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/VPC_Security.html#VPC_Security_Comparison

Network ACL is kinda similar with the security group, it will help to define and add another layer to allow or deny traffic that comes to the subnet.

Network ACL Security group
Operate at subnet level Operate at the instance level
Applied to all intances inside the subnet Applied to one instance if it is associated
Allow and Deny rules Allow rules
Evalute rules by orders Evalute all rule at the same time before traffic can come to the instance
Stateless: returned traffic only if it’s explicitly allowed by all rules Stateful: return traffic immediately if it is allowed by one rule, and regarless of the rules
ACL does the stateless inspection, it checks the package and does not know about the state, where the package comes from SG does the stateful check, its knows the conversation of the package and states of the package
![[Drawing 2023-03-25 14.32.59.excalidraw 660]]