AWS Auto Scaling Group
Some documentations about the AWS ASG
ALB is application load balancer and it will handle scaling for Layer7 (HTTP)
All ASG processes
Scalability that means the application can handle for great loads.Two kind of scalability:- Vertical- Horizontal
Policies: Target tracking, simple tracking, scheduled and predictive tracking
About the ASG standby mode
ASG is the feature of EC2 and it will help to scale in/out number of EC2 instances based on load.
This features allows ALB to have an amount of time to complete in-flight request before routing to the new instances.
Cross Zone load balancing is the feature that allows traffic to be distributed to all instances evenly across all instances in all AZs.
GWLB is gateway load balance that allows to deploy, scale, and manage fleet of 3rd appliances in AWS.
AWS Launch template is the similar with Launch Configuration, in that we can specify configuration information like ID of AMI, instance type, SG,...
Load Balancers are servers that handling to forward traffics across multiple target or downstream services.
NLB is the network load balancer and it will handle for scaling at Layer 4 of network (Network)
SSL allows traffic between client and server to be encrypted.
Sticky session is the feature that allows the client to connect, and redirect to one EC2 instance over time.
In orders from top to bottom, EC2 Auto Scaling will terminate