#aws #serverless

Serverless is a new paradism in which the developers don’t have to manage the servers.

Serverless in AWS: Lambda, DynamoDB, Cognito, API Gateway, S3, SNS & SQS, Kinesis, Aurora Serverless, Step Functions, Fargate

CloudFront and Serverless Functions

  • CloudFront Funtion: lightweight, for customize CDN content (JS code), sub-ms startup time, mil request per sec, execution time (<1ms)
  • Lambda at Edge (NodeJS/Python): Thousand req/sec, longer execution time (5-10s). More memory and package size can be bigger.

Use cases:

  • CloudFront Function: Cache key normalization, header manipulation, URL rewrite and redirect, authentication, …
  • Lambda at Edge: external processing, use 3rd lib, need more CPU, RAM, longer execution time, access file system.

Step Functions

  • Build serverless visual workflow to orchestrate Lambda functions
  • Feature: sequence, paralell, conditions, error handling, timeouts, …
  • Use case: order fulfillment, data processing, web applications, workflow. with human approval.