#aws #iam #organization

AWS Organization is an organization that can include lots of AWS accounts and it has some benefits

  • Share aggregated usage (EC2, S3)
  • Consolidated billing management
  • Manage multiple accounts
  • Shared reserved instances and Saving Plan discount across accounts


  • Multi account and one account for multi VPCs
  • Tagging standard for billing
  • Centralize log
  • Cross account role for admin purpose


  • Apply to OU and accounts
  • Do not apply to management account
  • Do not allow anything by default (must have an explicit allow)
  • Always all is default, so deny rule is required for every SCP setting approaches


![[Drawing 2023-03-02 17.52.41.excalidraw | 600x300]]

Management account: Full access Account A: Redshift denied Account B: Redshift, Lambda denied Account C: Redshift denied

Migrate account steps

  • Remove account from old org »> send invite »> access invite with the new org