#aws #ec2 #spot #fleet #spot_fleet #spot_instance

Spot Instance

  • Discount for saving (90%)
  • Define the price and submit Spot Request.
  • Stragety: Spot Block, can define the block time (1-6 hours) and the instances cannot be interrupted. Though in some rare solution, our instance may be reclaimed.
  • Stragety: Hourly rate we pay based on offers and our capacity.
  • Stragety: Define max pricing, if current spot pricing is over our values, our instances will be reclaimed.

Spot Fleet

  • This is the set/pool of spot instances and optional on-demand instances of what is called Fleet.
  • Spot Fleet is the feature and it will try to meet our capacity with the price constraints.
    1. We define launch pool:, instance type, OS, Az, …
    2. Then Spot Fleet will choose some of them and start our instances with lowest price.
  • Maximum amount of saving.

Strageties of Spot Fleet.

  • lowestPrice: Distribute instances to pool with lowest price (for cost, and short workload)
  • Diversified: Distribute to all pools (This stragety is great for availability and long workloads)
  • capacityOptimized: Automatic choose the pool based on pricing

Stopping Spot Request

  1. Cancel request
  2. Terminate our instances