#aws #ec2 #purchase #options #renting

On demand

  • Pay for what we use
  • Highest cost, no upfront payment
  • Recommend for short term solution.

Reversed Instances

  • Pay for reservation period, 1-n years
  • Reserve a specific instance attributes (Type, Region, Tenancy, OS)
  • Payment options: No upfront (+), partial upfront, all upfront/
  • Up to 72% discount compared to On-demand
  • Recommend for steady state usage application like database. We usually use it.
  • Can sell those instance if you do not use it anymore on Marketplace

Saving Plan

  • Long-term usage, so discount up to 72$ (same as RIs)
  • Commit the pricing (for ex. 10$ for 3 years)
  • Usage beyond EC2 Saving Plan will be charged at full rate like EC2 On-Demand. So we need to carefully when estimate the pricing.
  • Locked to a specific instance family and specific region. (e.g. M5 in us-east-1), then we can flexible to switch across other instance type, OS, Tenancy (Host, Instance, Default).

    Compute Saving Plan: For Lambda and AWS Fargate EC2 Saving Plan: For EC2

Spot Intances

  • Discount up to 90%
  • Most cost-effecient instance in AWS
  • Can lose intance if your max price is less than current spot price. Need to bid and keep the price
  • Recomment for workload that are resilent to failure (some jobs, data analysis, image processing, distributed workload, etc…)
  • Not suitable for database and critical workload, not good for development env without uninterruption confirmation

Dedicated Host

  • Rent a physical server with EC2 instance capacity fully dedicate to the use case.
  • Use-case: A compliance requirement with software licencese for the server. Licence model for example is BYOL
  • Purchase option: On-demand or reserved for 1-3 years.
  • Most expensive

Dedicated Instance

  • Share hardware for other instances in the same account Run application on single tenant hardware
  • Own a instance on our own hardware (then access to physical server and setup instance at the lowest level).
  • So -> No control for instance placement. It’s automatically by AWS.

EC2 Capacity Reservations

  • Reverse a On-Demand Instance capacity in a specific AZ for any duration
  • We can cancel or create reservation anytime we want.
  • Charge at On-Demand rate, no discount
  • Recommend for short-term, uninterrupted workload and in specific AZ
  • To get some discount, we can combine it with reserve instance or saving plan.