#aws #asg #process #standby

Type of process

  • Health check
  • Launch
  • Add to load balancer
  • Alarm
  • AZRebalance
  • Instance refresh: For refresh and updating new instances managed by ASG if there is some new LaunchConfiguration or LaunchTemplate
  • ReplaceUnhealthy
  • ScheduledActions: For automatic scaling by predictive scaling.
  • Alarm Notification: For dynamic scaling policies when setting up with CW metrics.
  • Terminated


  • Can suspend individual process.
  • Suspend Alarm Notification: Then simple, target, step tracking will be stopped as well
  • If Launch, Terminate, AZRebalance is suspended, then making some changes on ASG like detaching instance or changing AZ, then turning those processes again, ASG will process to rebalance those instances between AZs
  • Suspend HealthCheck or ReplaceUnhealthy to reboot instance for manual works without replacing instance by ASG