#aws #asg #alb

ALB is application load balancer and it will handle scaling for Layer7 (HTTP)

It supports for

  • Load balancing to multiple HTTP applications across machine
  • Load balancing to multiple applications on the same machine like (ECS, containers)
  • Support HTTP/2 and WebSocket
  • Support HTTPS redirect.


  • Routing to different target groups based on (header, query string, host header)
  • ALB are great fit for microservices, container-based applications
  • Has port mapping feature and map to a dynamic port on ECS
  • In comparision, with CLB, we need multiple CLB per each application, so ALB is better.

Target groups can be

  • EC2 instances
  • ECS tasks
  • Lambda function
  • IP Adresses - must be private IP (vpce ex.)
  • ALB can route to multiple target groups, and health check is at target group level.