#aws #analytics #redshift

Redshift is OLAP (online analytical processing) for analytic and data warehousing


  • RDBMS but not OLTP
  • Better x10 performance for other data warehousing
  • BI tool like AWS Quicksight can integrate with it.
  • vs Athena: It is more faster thanks to index.

AWS Redshift Cluster

![[Drawing 2023-03-03 16.58.53_0.excalidraw|600]] Notes: Can use Reserved Instances for cost-saving

Snapshot and DR

  • Incremental snapshot (snapshots only for changes)
  • Redshift has mult AZ mode for some cluster
  • Automate/ Manual/Restore to new cluster.
  • Can copy snapshot to other regions.

Loading data to Redshift

![[Drawing 2023-03-03 17.07.51.excalidraw|600]]

Redshift Spectrum

![[Drawing 2023-03-03 17.13.04.excalidraw|600]] Analyze data from S3 without importing to Redshift. Require more power to run.

  • Compare with Athena query, it’s cost less effort & cost to implement if already using Redshift.